Wywar | Hani Willamette | SVK
American Pale Lager | 12° | 4.8% ABV
Style: American Pale Lager
Color: pale, hazy
Aroma: malt, flowers
Taste: balanced, bitter and sweet, flower and grass tones, light and very drinkable
Bitterness: medium
Iné: American Pale Ale style beer but fermented with lager yeast. Sing hop Willamette.
Style: India Pale Lager + Bergamot Earl Grey and apricot puree
Color: dark golden, on the hazy side
Aroma: fruity, citrusy, tea and bergamot
Taste: mango, passion fruit, apricot, bergamot, black tea
Bitterness: higher, prominent in aftertaste
Pinta | Kwas Kappa | POL
American Sour Lager | 13° | 5% ABV
Style: American Sour Lager
Color: pale yellow, hazy
Aroma: malty and sour
Taste: sour, fruity, grapefruit
Bitterness: medium to lower
Other: mashed with 100% Pilsner malt and soured with lactobacillus, then fermented with traditional lager yeast
Clock | No Idols! IPL | CZE
India Pale Lager | 13° | 5.5% ABV
Style: India Pale Lager
Color: golden
Aroma: lemon peel, grapefruit, subtle hints of spice
Taste: maltier, hoppy, tangerine, lemon peel
Bitterness: full-bodied beer with higher bitterness
Other: IPL is a hybrid beer style, American IPA meets fermented with lager yeast
Dark lager aged with coconut and cocoa nibs. Dark brown to black in color, with the aroma of roasted coffee and coconut. A light and refreshing medium roasty beer with the taste dominated by coconut and cocoa.
A nice and light amber lager hopped with Magnum and Saaz hops. A malty-bodied medium bitter Czech style beer with subtle hops aroma brewed to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the legendary Skoda 8Tr.
Albrecht Kateřina je klasický tmavý ležiak, výraznej čiernej farby a príjemnej vyváženej chuti. Presvedčí vás, že tmavé piva nemusia byť iba sladké. Telo piva tvorí zmes piatich sladov, ktoré dávajú pivu nezameniteľný charakter s tónmi čokolády.