Bergquell Brauerei Löbau | Lausitzer Hefe-Weizen | DEU
German Hefeweizen | 12° | 5.1% ABV
The Lausitzer yeast wheat beer is the first beer in the Lausitz brewed wheat beer line. Brewed strictly after the German purity requirement with fine flavor of hops and original Saxonian malts. The yeast naturally left in the beer gives it characteristics typical of wheat speciality beers, yeast-cloudy and gold-yellow color.
Kocour Stout is a dark beer of session strength, served with a characteristic thick beige head. The intense aroma and taste is a pleasant mix of chocolate, coffee and toasted malt with delicate hints of vanilla and nuts.
Chomout | Single Hop Mandarina Bavaria | CZE
American Pale Ale | 13° | 5.1% ABV
Mandarina Bavaria is a second attempt by the German Hop Growers Institute Hull. In this beer you can find an intense fruit flavor accompanied by gentle bitterness with hints of tangerines.
Vienna lager of dark bronze color and subtle character. The two malts and two hops used are responsible for a sweeter malty beginning and velvety bitter finish.
Clock | No Idols! 15° Rye IPA | CZE
India Pale Ale | 15° | 6.5% ABV
Pale orange in color with aroma after tropical fruit and tangarines. Medium body and lower in CO2. The taste is dominated by Citra and Nelson Sauvin hops. Quite a hoppy beer with a malty character due to rye malt. A refreshing American Rye IPA.