Imperiálny stout ako pre ruskú cárovnu. Pivo tmavo čiernej farby s praženo-kávovou vôňou, krémovou štruktúrou, tónmi orieškov, čokolády, kávy a ľahko alkoholovým a hrejivým záverom.
Hop Grup | Sľopa | SVK
IPA with honey & juniper berries | 16° | 6.9% ABV
India Pale Ale zlatistej farby s nádychom tropického ovocia a podtónmi kvetnatosti, citrusov a živice. Výraznejší, no zaokrúhlený a vyrovnaný, hutný a ihličnato-horký koniec.
Wrężel | Tropical Imperial India Pale Ale | POL
Imperial IPA | 19° | 8.5% ABV
Strong Imperial IPA of amber color and pineapple, lime, mango, grapefruit and caramel aroma. A full-bodied citrusy beer with sweeter beginning and medium bitter finish. A dangerously drinkable beer considering the ABV.
A very drinkable and refreshing Session IPA from the guys behind Prague’s BeerGeek. A golden color IPA with the aroma of citrus fruit, oranges and hints of pine. A higher bitterness beer with longer aftertaste.
Beervana | Untitled | SVK
American Pale Ale | 13° | 5.2% ABV
Our new shot at APA, this time brewed in cooperation with Poprad’s Egidius brewery. Hopped front and back with American hop varieties, this beer has a citrusy bitter bite to it. First time on tap on Beervana’s 1yr anniversary.