Bohemian type lager beer hopped with American Chinook. Chinook is also nicknamed Super Cascade and is responsible for the citrus fruit aroma and taste of this beer. Higher bitterness.
Antoš | Černé Poupě | CZE
Dark Lager | 12° | 5% ABV
This beer pays a tribute to the most known Czech brewmaster, Ondřej Poupě, who worked in Slaný during 1794-1798. A bottom fermented full-bodied dark beer. Lower sweetness.
Wywar | Hani Fuggle | SVK
Pale Lager - single hop Fuggles | 11° | 3.5% ABV
Another Single Hop from Wywar, this time it’s a lager hopped with English Fuggles. The hops have an earthy-grassy character that reflects in this beer.
A golden color beer with a fruity/spicy aroma. Intense bitterness thanks to Mosaic and Bravo hops. A full-bodied beer with a typical-for-this-style “spiciness” and apple tones.